You’ve Got This

woman wearing yellow cami crop top

As you prepare for the obstacle ahead of you, there is a drop of sweat that swiftly rolls down your face. You realize that your heartrate has increased rapidly. You feel faint and weak in your knees. Your mouth gets extremely dry and you find it hard to swallow. You begin to see your hands tremble. OMG is what you are thinking to yourself. At that moment you look up and see a sign that says INSPIRE. This was just what you needed to begin thinking positively about the obstacle. Sometimes what you need to be encouraged is right there. When you are faced with a challenge, just look up and what do you see? You’ve got this! You can do this. There is nothing that you cannot do. Take a deep breath and think positively. You’ve got this. Step out on faith, overcome your fear and just do it. I’m rooting for you. God’s rooting for you. Think of the results of you overcoming your fear. Wipe the sweat and go! No matter what it is, just go. We will be cheering for you very soon because you did it!!!#love


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