woman leaning on table having a drink

Waiting can be quite challenging at times. Just think about all that it entails. Sometimes the wait seems like eternity. In the process of waiting, patience is surely developed. Sometimes it seems like what you are waiting for will never happen. As we wait, just try not to think about what you are waiting for. And guess what? To our surprise the wait will eventually be over and what you aspired to do or receive will take place. Trust and believe it will happen for us. We are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes we just have to wait. Just like going to your car and cranking it up. We do not arrive to our destination the moment that we sit in the car. It takes some time to get to where we are going. I have learned that life is the same way. Sometimes there are hiccups, speed-bumps or even delays along the way. But guess what? We still arrive. Its going to happen. Just WAIT! #empower#inspire#thrive#waitpatiently#it’llhappen#inthemaking#soon


One thought on “Just WAIT

  1. I’m still waiting for different blessings. When I start focusing on the picture in front of me. The blessings come unexpected and I have to pray for directions to handle it. In my waiting I’m praying and meditating. I find out that I have put limitations on My God as well as myself.


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