Go Get What’s Yours!

I have never met anyone that knew that they won the lottery and never claimed their money. So in that same light, if God has spoke to you a vision or even spoken a word for you to do something, just like the lottery you need to claim it! When you claim it, claim it with enthusiasm! Let your whole demeanor change and walk it out. If it is in your heart to start a business, write a blog, write a book, lead the masses or even build an empire – Go Get It! Go get what’s yours. Think back to when you were younger and enjoyed catching  lightning bugs(fireflies). Just like that you need to chase after what’s yours. I don’t know about you but I would chase those insects down with persistence and wouldn’t be satisfied until I had one. As kids, we enjoyed that. With that same respect, if we can chase/catch insects as children, then why not chase/catch that book that you are destined to write? Why do we minimize and decrease when it comes to claiming what’s ours? Why do we let our past marginalize our future? Stop catching lightning bugs and catch the light of your book, blog, empire, legacy builder and vision for your life and GO GET WHAT’S YOURS! #GoGetIt#It’sgotYournameengravedonit#Go#GO#Go#BeInspired

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