Grief Care

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This is not a very easy topic to discuss, but it is a very easy topic to go unnoticed. Where do you start to type when you think about the absence of……… It’s like a thought that never manifests into anything. Its like you think of that person and you can’t do anything but think about that person. The thought never manifests into anything more than a thought. We can’t help how we feel in this moment, however we can help how we handle our feelings. Taking deep breaths seem to work temporarily, however the key word is temporarily. Again temporarily. Where do you go? Who do you talk to? What do you do? Where do you go? Who do you talk to? What do you do? These are questions that are silently repeated in the mind. The heaviness of the grief is somewhat unbearable. It seems that anything can cause emotional distress. We seek God to help and he sure does provide the peace that surpasses all understanding. He also provides wisdom on the next steps. Grief Care is important because, one must make sure that they way they are processing is a healthy way to grieve. We all grieve differently. For me, I have to write and express my thoughts in a creative way. Most people refer to this a journaling (Blogging:). Whatever your therapy is figure it out. Seek God to help you to get through. Lose can be difficult, but there are methods of coping. Some people enjoy talking to someone such a therapist, counselor or someone that is bias. This is not to be underestimated or eliminated. Some people enjoy yoga or meditation. Whatever it takes to get through, do it. You have to excel. That specific loved one is looking down and is expecting nothing but excellence from you. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is self care! #youwillwin#youwillsucceed#youwillgetthroughthis#youwillprevail#youwillgetbackup#youareit#youarethesolution#InJesusName#Amen

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