Note to self

What are some things that have resonated with so far? What are those friendly reminders that you need to tell yourself? Take a moment and jot down those things about you that maybe you had forgotten about. Reminding yourself who you are will help you to face difficulties and show up for any occasion with confidence and boldness. You are always winning!

I am

I am who you’ve been looking for! I am who you’ve been waiting for. I am. I am. Yes, I am the lady that you have longed for. I am. I am. You may not know this, but you have reached your destination. You’ve landed. You’ve arrived! Look no further! I am strong, educated woman that has grown to love unconditionally. Life experienced have trained and taught me everything.They have also prepared me for you! I am the one.

One Day

Honey! One day you will realize that all that crap that you experienced was for your good. You will see that everything situation has prepared you for all the things that you have prayed and dreamed for. One day, One day, One day, seriously you will see. It will all be so clear. Continue to look up and trust God! #youareglowing

New Year Blessings!!

I thank you for another year!
I can truly look back and see all of the ways
that you’ve blessed me through every situation and for this I am truly humble and grateful! I am
cheesing through every circumstance because I know you’ve. got me!
Now 2022, let’s do this!

New Year Blessings!!!

It’s Happening

Can you believe it? It’s happening! You are walking on purpose and fulfilling your dreams! It’s been a long time coming for you! The world celebrates you for taking this leap of faith to do what you were created to do! Don’t let the naysayers discourage you. Don’t let the yes sayers put too much pressure on you. Everyone will have their own opinion and logics on how you should carry out God’s plan, but stay focused on what you know in your heart to be true! By the way… Congratulations! The best is yet to come!! 🎉

This Little Light of Mine

You see, I have a light. You have a light. It is up to us whether we turn it on or not. My mother loves the song “This Little Light of Mine, I’m going to let it shine.” I remember singing it in the choir as a little girl. This song is so relevant to defining who we are. When you let your light shine, you are walking into your purpose. You are giving power to the young lady or young man that you were called to be. You have decided to defy the odds. You are not allowing society or the media to impact your walk. You are letting your God Given Glow protrude past who people say that you should be. You are radiant. You are letting your shine follow you everywhere that you go. Continue to sparkle and continue to glow up for everything. Let your light shine and be the best version of yourself! #youmadeit#yourlightisshinning

The Dusty Road

asphalt road near savanna with bushes Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava on

The road is a little dusty, but I’m going to keep driving. I’ve had to pump my brakes from time to time. The road is a little curvy now, but I’m going to keep on driving. I’ve got my destination in mind. I may have to decrease speed just a little, but I am going to keep on driving. The road seems to have so many bumpy spots, but I’m going to keep on driving. I may have to use more precaution, but I am still driving. The road less traveled is the dusty, curvy and bumpy one. Most people would rather take the main road, but this road is the road that God has destined for you. You are not the typical person and you surely don’t have a typical purpose or destination. Keep traveling the road less traveled and you will see why God had this road designed specifically for you. You will be thankful that you kept driving. Keep Going. #keepgoing

Check on Me


woman near wall
Photo by Godisable Jacob on

In this life people say that only the strong survive. Ok, well the strong get weak too. The strong need to be checked on from time to time. We have so many challenges and are often a forgotten population of people going through life. Many people see us and congratulate us for being able to overcome everything. We proclaim to be strong, not Jesus. None is perfect other than the Father. With that being said, just make sure that the strong friend is doing fine. Make sure that the strong friend is not going through in silence. Trust, we will get through. It just makes things better when you have someone praying for you as you have prayed for others. Sometimes people forget to reciprocate that same respect that was given to them when they were in need. #strongfriendchallenge

I’ve Seen A Lot Come and Go

Please understand that people enter and exit our lives all the time. Take it how you want, but this is true. You may start a job and bond so well with your coworkers and then what do you know, they relocate. You may start a new friendship or relationship thinking that it will grow and become something great. It may or may not. Sometimes relationships and friendships are only temporary. If it is meant to be, then it will be. Why do we feel a certain type way when friendships end prematurely in our eyes. Please understand that you cannot make people want to stay with you. You cannot continue to expect people who are imperfect to respond differently than what they do. You cannot continue to throw a pity party because of who left. You need to sit back and ask yourself, “Who Stayed”? When you realized that the people that stayed were meant to stay, you will have a celebration party oppose to a pity party. So at this moment, lift your head and let those relationships go! Move on with your life and water seeds that are meant to grow in your life. # yougrowgirl

Single and Steppin

Honey! Let me tell you that you’ve got it going on. You are single and steppin. You are not letting anyone tell you that you aren’t sharp because you are single. You have been through so much and you are just at a point that you know your worth. Many people look at you under eyed as if you are so bitter and unforgiving. What people fail to realize is that you are pass that stage. You are diligently stepping into the realm that God has in store for you. You are single and steppin into your destiny as well as setting goals and crushing them. People look at you and they really don’t understand how you keep moving forward. They they are expecting you to break down because they think you need a relationship to be happy. Well let them keep looking, wondering and spectating. All I know is that while they are concerned about your business, you’ve opened businesses, hired staff, wrote books, started agencies, lost weight, canceled your debts, grown your nails and your hair, and continue to prosper in every area of your life! Keep being that fabulous single and steppin sistah. Trust me, you’ll step right into the man that God has just for you! #singleandsteppin

Kind Hearts

Do you have a kind heart? The answer is yes or no. It should not take time to think about the answer to this questions. So do you have a kind heart? When we think of the word kind, we think of something or someone that is pleasant. The heart says so much about you and me. Some people strive to have a kind heart, however due to their past experiences the heart is shattered. This makes it a not so kind heart. What do you do when you can’t erase the past and how it has had an effect on your heart and its ability to give your all to someone or to something. It may take time, but work towards developing the strength to understand your heart and its capabilities to be kind. Sometimes just a quick glance into what is really  going on with the heart will prepare you for great friendships, relationships and self love.#Bekind#loveyourself#heartsmatter

Young Lady

There is so much that I want to tell you young lady. I am getting overwhelmed with thoughts and ideas to share with you Young Lady. First and foremost, “You are so special”. Please know that you are well on your way. Do not ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. I want you to believe in yourself Young Lady. I want you to stand up to the naysayers and lift your head up high and do what you have been called to do. I want you to know that you can make it no matter what the odds are. Your future is so bright Young Lady. If no one ever told you that you are beautiful, I am telling you now. “You are Beautiful Young Lady”. Rise above the odds and believe in yourself! #youvegotthisyounglady

Do You Hear What God is Saying?

Most of the time we are so busy that we don’t hear what God is trying to say. We often say, “Speak to My Heart Lord because I need a word from you”. He is saying to us, “Listen My Child”. To listen takes effort meaning that whatever distractions or situations have you so busy, they have to be eliminated. God is always speaking, but we are not always listening. And oh if we just take the time to listen, we will be surprised at what God has been saying all along. Some may wonder, how do I put this into action to hear clearly what God is saying. All one would need to do is take time to get in a quiet place, meditate and pray. When we ask God for something, He will surely deliver. He will give you the desires of your heart. Spend consistent time with God. He looks forward to our consistency. Making these sacrifices will allow you to erase the outside noise and hear exactly the voice of God. He may speak to you through bringing a situation to your remembrance or even through a thought. You will be surprised how God speaks, when we take the time to acknowledge that he is your creator and that he knows the plan. Therefore, why wouldn’t we seek the One that holds our future. #selflove#loveGod#seekGod

I am One

I am one! Yes I am one. One is singular and not plural. I often have to remind myself that I am one. One is singular and not plural. As I grow older, One begins to feel like a half. It sometimes seems like the things that I use to accomplish in a timely manner kinda takes a little extra time. I realize that with age comes wisdom, however with the wisdom comes so much more. The additional demands of life can be overbearing.  I am one is what I often tell myself. Keeping this in mind, I can get the things done that are necessary when I prioritize first. I must strategize a plan and effectively complete the things before me. I am one. I am one. I am one. I am one that can complete all of the tasks before me. I am not a half of one. I am a whole one. I will accomplish and complete all the tasks before me in a timely and efficient manner. I shall take the initiative to complete the things that I desire to do! I AM ONE! ❤️ 1

Let’s Learn Together

      woman standing on the center table with four people on the side
Photo by Rebrand Cities on

There is so much to be said about individuals that learn together. There is so much to be said about individuals that don’t mind allowing their minds to stimulate one another’s. We live in a world where minds are not being stimulated, but dissimulated by the corruptible voices of influential individuals. Wouldn’t it be grand if leaders of influence truly influenced in a positive way.  For example, Tarajii P. Henson is a dynamic example of a leader of influence taking their influence a step further for the good. She recently, took a stand for the black community to educate, inspire and provide understanding as it relates to mental health. Her influence will continue to be of essence to those dealing with concerns of the mind. This is how we grow together and learn together. We need to continue to assist other sisters and brothers on their journey to being the best version of themselves. Let’s Learn Together takes putting pride to the side and it requires being humble and resilient. What if  every person on earth lived by this motto? Can you imagine how grand this world would be? Instead of opposition, we would position one another in a place to grow and live their true best life on earth. If you are reading this blog, ask yourself: are you truly living by the motto of learning collectively. If not, try to humble yourself and work on learning from and with those around you. You will be surprised with the outcome. 


Grief Care

questions answers signage

This is not a very easy topic to discuss, but it is a very easy topic to go unnoticed. Where do you start to type when you think about the absence of……… It’s like a thought that never manifests into anything. Its like you think of that person and you can’t do anything but think about that person. The thought never manifests into anything more than a thought. We can’t help how we feel in this moment, however we can help how we handle our feelings. Taking deep breaths seem to work temporarily, however the key word is temporarily. Again temporarily. Where do you go? Who do you talk to? What do you do? Where do you go? Who do you talk to? What do you do? These are questions that are silently repeated in the mind. The heaviness of the grief is somewhat unbearable. It seems that anything can cause emotional distress. We seek God to help and he sure does provide the peace that surpasses all understanding. He also provides wisdom on the next steps. Grief Care is important because, one must make sure that they way they are processing is a healthy way to grieve. We all grieve differently. For me, I have to write and express my thoughts in a creative way. Most people refer to this a journaling (Blogging:). Whatever your therapy is figure it out. Seek God to help you to get through. Lose can be difficult, but there are methods of coping. Some people enjoy talking to someone such a therapist, counselor or someone that is bias. This is not to be underestimated or eliminated. Some people enjoy yoga or meditation. Whatever it takes to get through, do it. You have to excel. That specific loved one is looking down and is expecting nothing but excellence from you. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is necessary. Grief care is self care! #youwillwin#youwillsucceed#youwillgetthroughthis#youwillprevail#youwillgetbackup#youareit#youarethesolution#InJesusName#Amen

The Jealous Man

In a disguise is his favorite attire. Be aware of the jealous man. If you are not attentive, you will underestimate the character of this man. He portrays the image of a man of valor. He seems to be compassionate, helpful and the ideal man. Unfortunately, he is a counterfeit. This man has self esteem issues that have traveled with him from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, no one was bold enough to tell him about his issues. When a man doesn’t love himself insecurity sets in. And most importantly, he cannot truly love you without chaos. You may say “Oh I can change Him”. Unfortunately, that’s a lie. Keep in mind this man has been this way for 30, 40, 50 plus years. All of his questions are not to properly learn about you, they are to gain control. Don’t get caught up in the realm of manipulation from this jealous man. Do you realize that you can be connected with people that are jealous of you? If you notice or feel in your gut jealousy in your mate, understand that it will get worst. The questions and accusations will get worst. A confident man knows what’s his and doesn’t invest time to study you in order to interrogate you. Yes, jealousy is the topic, however all of his cousins eventually seep in. Jealousy’s first cousins are control, manipulation, antagonization and intimidation. Be ware of the jealous man. #beaware#redflammingflags#leavewithconfidence#inpire#encourage


Go Get What’s Yours!

I have never met anyone that knew that they won the lottery and never claimed their money. So in that same light, if God has spoke to you a vision or even spoken a word for you to do something, just like the lottery you need to claim it! When you claim it, claim it with enthusiasm! Let your whole demeanor change and walk it out. If it is in your heart to start a business, write a blog, write a book, lead the masses or even build an empire – Go Get It! Go get what’s yours. Think back to when you were younger and enjoyed catching  lightning bugs(fireflies). Just like that you need to chase after what’s yours. I don’t know about you but I would chase those insects down with persistence and wouldn’t be satisfied until I had one. As kids, we enjoyed that. With that same respect, if we can chase/catch insects as children, then why not chase/catch that book that you are destined to write? Why do we minimize and decrease when it comes to claiming what’s ours? Why do we let our past marginalize our future? Stop catching lightning bugs and catch the light of your book, blog, empire, legacy builder and vision for your life and GO GET WHAT’S YOURS! #GoGetIt#It’sgotYournameengravedonit#Go#GO#Go#BeInspired