You Are Special!

Let no one tell you that you are not special because you are. You are just what you are supposed to be and that is special. You are radiant and shine bright like a diamond. Just remember that you hold the key to your future. All you have to do is believe and  try. Don’t let how you are feeling change how you feel about your life. Your life is special and you are too. Go after you dreams so that the world will witness how special you are. Don’t let everyone miss out on the extraordinary you. So, each day strive to be the best version of yourself, no matter the odds or the situation. You are special in your own way. Be you and let know one

woman closes her eyes raising her right hand

Photo by Asa Dugger on

try to take your place. They couldn’t do it anyway because you are special. You are special indeed!

You Think that you know but you have no idea

There are situations that arise, and you think that you have it all figured out, however you really have no idea. I find myself to be analytical as well as able to look at the glass half full and not half empty. Therefore, knowing that you will not always be right about evvverrrything, sometimes you just have to take a step back and breath. Just know that it’s ok to not know and its ok to feel how you feel about it. As long as your thoughts and feelings don’t fester and consume you. In the midst of uncertainty, keep in mind that whatever the outcome is, all is well. All is well. All is well.  Just know that whatever the outcome is, All is well. All is Well. And this is so true. Things always work out the way that they are supposed to. Some situations are beyond our control; therefore we have to accept what God allows and move on. Life teaches us to embrace every moment and know that the outcome is going to shape, mold and make us. With this being said, walk out your destiny and purpose knowing that All is Well and you’ve got this! #inspire #encourage

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Photo by Julian Jagtenberg on

To Thine Own-self Be True

It’s amazing how the media has impacted and influenced people so heavily. People change their appearance based on how people in the media look. People fail to realize that the Love and Hip Hop cast are human also. Its ridiculous that you imitate someone that is suicidal, on drugs or have their own demons and challenges that they face consistently. Please be careful how you allow the media to depict what you wear, drive or even your perception of life. I think the most dangerous thing a person can do is to live out someone else’s purpose. If we were destined to imitate others appearance, God would have made us all look alike. We are to imitate HIM. Please keep people, on tv as entertainment only. Now if you are watching something that encourages you to make money moves as well as edify yourself and bring residual to your life, then by all means let it work for you in that manner. It’s so disheartening to hear youth and adults say that they want to look like someone in the media. It’s amazing the compliments that we give others compared to how we compliment ourselves. Word to the wise, be the one that others want to imitate. Be unique. Embrace what you have because you don’t know that their cookies are stale until you bite into them. Come on people let’s empower ourselves and boss up ourselves with self love! Everybody has issues, so why not be the best version of  yourself! #selflove

Your Opinion

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Photo by Pixabay on

An opinion is what you think or feel about someone or something. Some people really mistake their opinion for facts. Facts are true and you can prove them. So what Im saying is that people have their opinions about things that reallllllyyyy don’t need their input. IF its not factual, its not actual.  In so many words, your opinion is like a dumpster. People only experience it for a short period of time, then they terminate it. So what I’m saying is, why offer something that is going to get disposed minutes later. Your two cents are clearly just two cents. I know you just gotta have something to say about everything, but work on just holding it and processing  it backwards. That will work. Thanks. #whattheyhavewantedtosaytoyou

Dear Love

Grayscale Photo of Couple at Garden Near PoolDear Love,

I must say I have learned a lot from you. You have truly taught me things about myself that I had no idea were relevant. You’ve taught me that I am patient. I have waited for you and resisted temptation to settle for the first man that whispered my name. Or like the old folks say, “the first thing smoking”. You have shown me that I am strong-minded. I have stayed focused specifically on you and prepared myself in a way that will only benefit us (you and I, me and you). You have taught me my self worth. I must say that knowing that you are one of great stature and are resilient has kept me on my toes. I have constantly and consistently kept myself up for you (us).  Love, you see I have learned that I am a bombshell. I must say that I’ve got it going on. You taught me self love, self care and how to self modify in effort to grow. You have taught me how to weather the storm and to get myself together.  SO, Love as you prepare for our union just know that your absence has taught me edifying content about myself. I love you and thanks so much! #cheerstoourfuture#preparationasyouwait




woman leaning on table having a drink

Waiting can be quite challenging at times. Just think about all that it entails. Sometimes the wait seems like eternity. In the process of waiting, patience is surely developed. Sometimes it seems like what you are waiting for will never happen. As we wait, just try not to think about what you are waiting for. And guess what? To our surprise the wait will eventually be over and what you aspired to do or receive will take place. Trust and believe it will happen for us. We are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes we just have to wait. Just like going to your car and cranking it up. We do not arrive to our destination the moment that we sit in the car. It takes some time to get to where we are going. I have learned that life is the same way. Sometimes there are hiccups, speed-bumps or even delays along the way. But guess what? We still arrive. Its going to happen. Just WAIT! #empower#inspire#thrive#waitpatiently#it’llhappen#inthemaking#soon


Everything will be alright!



selective focus photo of woman wearing blue turtleneck long sleeved top
Photo by Nicholas Githiri on         Sometimes there’s really nothing to say. Like the song says, If I can’t say a word I’ll just wave my hand. Rest in God and know that things will continue to work out for the good. God knows best and he knows what we need when we need it. God is able to keep you from falling. He knows how to strengthen your every pain, heartache and burden. Just know that all will be well. God knows exactly what He is doing. He wants the glory and praise in every situation. Trust Him and his word. Cast your cares on him. He cares and sees what you are going through. #fight#win#love#God’sGotIT#JoycomesintheMorning




















Calm down Chile(Child):)

close up photography of woman with braided hair

I mean really. Do you have to get so worked up over nothing? Chile, calm your nerves. Everything will be ok. You like to get all in a tizzy over little things. I’m telling you Chile, calm down. What you are failing to realize is that, the situation is not even that serious. You should be ashamed of  yourself for being so extra. LOL. Get it together. All things are working for your good. I said, “Chile, All things are working for your good”. Live your life and do the dog on thang! Yassss!!


Photo by Chris Thornton on

! 🙂

#positive thinking#you’vegotthis#love#yasss


five women laughing
Photo by nappy on

As I think of the word friendship, I think of connection, closeness, bond, support, growth, experiences and purpose. All of these words come to mind as I reflect on friends that have come and gone out of my life. I have met so many people from all walks of life and I am thankful for those relationships. Some good and some not so good. However, those experiences have been for my growth. Let’s talk about the good relationships that developed all of the key words associated with friendships. The few close friends that I have were destined to be apart of my journey and they have been for a while. All of us are in different places in our lives, however we are able to add to one another’s growth and genuinely have each other’s best interest at heart. We have a close connection, which I believe is divine. The bond that we have is not envious, jealous or hatred. I believe that true friendship is ordained by God. Sometimes we don’t even know who’s good for us and whose not. Be selective about the people that you allow in your circle. Everyone is not for you. Evaluate your circle. Do you have people in your circle that you need to distance yourself from? Ask yourself that question. Sometimes the reason that your progress is stagnant,  may be because of the people that you are connected to. Evaluate your circle.


You’ve Got This

woman wearing yellow cami crop top

As you prepare for the obstacle ahead of you, there is a drop of sweat that swiftly rolls down your face. You realize that your heartrate has increased rapidly. You feel faint and weak in your knees. Your mouth gets extremely dry and you find it hard to swallow. You begin to see your hands tremble. OMG is what you are thinking to yourself. At that moment you look up and see a sign that says INSPIRE. This was just what you needed to begin thinking positively about the obstacle. Sometimes what you need to be encouraged is right there. When you are faced with a challenge, just look up and what do you see? You’ve got this! You can do this. There is nothing that you cannot do. Take a deep breath and think positively. You’ve got this. Step out on faith, overcome your fear and just do it. I’m rooting for you. God’s rooting for you. Think of the results of you overcoming your fear. Wipe the sweat and go! No matter what it is, just go. We will be cheering for you very soon because you did it!!!#love


God is so good!

0D63CBEB-89EF-4FA5-9B16-DB1C66C05B1AWhen I think of the goodness of the Lord and all he has done for me, my soul rejoices. I can truly say that God has blessed me beyond measure. As I reflect more, I now understand and see the person that God has been developing all this time. His grace and mercy has truly carried me through. A couple of Sunday’s ago, the message at church was right on time. It was about who you become in the process of your trials. Some people let degrees and accolades represent who they are. However, its really about who you become during the process. What type of person have you transformed into during any process?  For example, when we experience situations that cause us to focus and be devoted for a period of time, a level of patience is being developed. Therefore when you have to tackle other projects or life experiences, patience won’t be a major issue. I often hear people say that certain situations made them stronger and a better person. That is so true. Trouble does not last always. On this journey we will have to make a variation of pit stops, but keep in mind the end, which is your destiny and purpose. Continue to focus on how God has blessed you along this journey and this will make your perspective change tremendously. :Ask yourself- Who have I become during this process called life?   #itsallaboutperspective#howdoyouseethesituation#encouragement#wisdomforthewise#Blogsisterblog#freeyourmind#blessings


affection baby baby girl beautifulAs the door closes, the last words you hear are, “I’ll see you tomorrow”. At that very moment it seems like tomorrow will be millions of years away. What do you do within the very hour of them leaving? Tears are shed in hopes that once they dry up, they’ll be back to ask if you need tissue. You try to escape the very fact that they are away. Anything can happen between now and tomorrow is what your heart, mind and soul are saying. Tomorrow must be a long word because it seems so far away especially when the one you love and care for leaves your presence. Feelings of detachment, separation, disconnect and withdrawal are what you continue to experience as the minutes trickle by. You start to think, how can I make tomorrow be today. At that very moment you wake up and realize that it was just a dream and your tomorrow is really today and your love never left.

It was all a dream. Tomorrow is Today! #love#creative-writing#love#


shallow focus photography of a woman in green top wearing white coat
Photo by on

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Although, this sounds pleasant and a great state to be in, some people lack joy. Can you believe that there are people that don’t allow themselves to experience great pleasure or happiness? They allow circumstances and situations to play a role in how happy or how sad they are. Joy is actually a choice. Two people can be experiencing the same obstacle and one may be happy during that time. The other person may look at the obstacle as defeat and allow it to rob them of their joy. Yes, we are all human and we do face trying situations, but we must learn to look at the big picture and try hard to maintain  a positive outlook on every situation. It is surely easier said that than done. Trust me, I know.  What good is going through a situation and then once it’s over you are in the hospital because you have ulcers from stress? This is why you must trust God that everything will be ok. Putting your trust  in God will allow you to experience that peace that surpasses all understanding. Remember  that your attitude determines your latitude. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Continue to be encouraged and know that joy is what you must choose to have daily. What brings you joy? What challenges do you need to reevaluate? What is your outlook on that situation? Are you choosing joy over sadness?  #love #blessings#amazing-grace#positive-mind#God’sGotIt#stayfocused#love


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Photo by Pixabay on

When you are passionate about something, it really means that you are automatically driven to it and by the success of something. For example, I am a licensed cosmetologist and I have been licensed since 2005. Prior to obtaining a license, I worked numerous days and hours during middle school and high school styling different client’s hair. Prior to this, I loved to cut and shampoo my doll’s hair as a young child. As you can see, your passion for something is instilled in you and it has been there the entire time. I use to hear people say that there is nothing that they are passionate about. I found that to be very interested because I do believe that we all have that one passion that is instilled within us. Sometimes we have to take a moment and sit in peace and quiet to tap into our passion. So today ask yourself what are you passionate about? What drives you? What excites and enthuses you? Once you identify your passion, you can begin walking in your destiny.  #love #blog-fun#encourage#beabeliever#loveself#marvelous

Healthy Mind

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Photo by Dzenina Lukac on

Did you know that you are what you think? Some may say, you are what you eat. However, you really are what you think. Every move that you have ever made started off with a thought. Therefore, it is so important to keep a healthy mind. We should walk in love and maintain the mind of Christ. Maintaining a healthy mind will allow you to make healthy decisions. What are you doing to keep your mind healthy? Are you thinking positive thoughts consistently? Are you listening to or reading positive/motivational books? What is the first thing that you do in the morning? Keep in mind that how you start your day will depict how your day will flow and the mindset that you will have. It’s the small things. I once read an article that mentioned that you should make yourself smile every morning to boost your immune system and reduce stress. (See link below for more reasons to smile and the health benefits). Therefore, smiling will assist with keeping your mind healthy also. Just do what you have to do to make it an amazing day and remember keep your mind healthy!  #healthiness#mindsmatter


Encourage Yourself!

E7614DBE-7459-48B0-8CCA-B6E5B40ED2E1So, you may be feeling a little under the weather or just not as high as you normally are. Take a moment and think about one situation that you thought was an epic fail. I’m sure that you can think of something that happened that ended up being positive after all of the negative. Therefore, just like that situation worked out, today will work out for you too! You sometimes have to encourage yourself. Yep, YOU encourage your OWN self. It’s like that sometimes. Just know that everything, every trial comes to develop a skill that you will need to apply along the way! You’ve got this. #sunshine#shineon#yougo#itsallgood#yelp#seeeeeee#inspire


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Photo by song heajin on

Love is a special four letter word. It is special because there is so much that is attached to it.  Love can be so positive, however the attachments can be negative. For example, we love people that sometimes don’t reciprocate that same love back. Also, sometimes we lose loved ones and the feelings from the loss of love is negative. But all in all, Love is beautiful. It’s more about one’s perception.  It’s all about how you perceive such a thing called love.  Let’s remember the love that Jesus had and still has for us. The pain he endured because of his love for us. So, just because love can have its highs and lows, doesn’t mean that you have to stop loving. The end result of love is beautiful. In life, just do your part and the rest will follow the way that it’s orchestrated to.  In addition, self love is an important piece to the puzzle that some forget to master. Remember before you can genuinely show love, you must love yourself.  Not to the point of  being overly obsessed or conceited, but well enough to know that you were created uniquely and special in your own way! Love and smoothies! Be encouraged and love yourself! #inspire#self-love#self-care#wellness#lovelylonglife#positivemindsthinkalike