Healthy Mind

woman holding book
Photo by Dzenina Lukac on

Did you know that you are what you think? Some may say, you are what you eat. However, you really are what you think. Every move that you have ever made started off with a thought. Therefore, it is so important to keep a healthy mind. We should walk in love and maintain the mind of Christ. Maintaining a healthy mind will allow you to make healthy decisions. What are you doing to keep your mind healthy? Are you thinking positive thoughts consistently? Are you listening to or reading positive/motivational books? What is the first thing that you do in the morning? Keep in mind that how you start your day will depict how your day will flow and the mindset that you will have. It’s the small things. I once read an article that mentioned that you should make yourself smile every morning to boost your immune system and reduce stress. (See link below for more reasons to smile and the health benefits). Therefore, smiling will assist with keeping your mind healthy also. Just do what you have to do to make it an amazing day and remember keep your mind healthy!  #healthiness#mindsmatter